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ECE Training and Workshops

Learn and Grow with NZSL

What are the benefits of Training and using NZSL?


  • Signing cuts down the frustration of guessing what children in your care want and need

  • It allows for better bonding

  • It creates consistency between home and childcare for children used to communicating through signing

  • It's a strong selling point for parents when choosing childcare.

  • A knowledge of NZSL enables anyone to participate in the Deaf community

  • NZSL is the 3rd official language of New Zealand


Workshops and courses can be delivered over one or two sessions depending on your needs.  Included are information packs for each attendee as well as print outs to use in the classes to reinforce learning.  At the end of the course each attendee will receive a certificate and the Nursery will be put onto our website under 'Accredited ECE's'.


With NZSL being the 3rd official language of Aotearoa and part of the curriculum, it makes sense to train your staff helping your ECE become fully inclusive.


Feel free to contact us for a quote. 



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